Below is the list compiled of all former Georgetown students who played at least one game on the varsity, or were a listed member of a team, beginning with the 1906-1907 season. Click on the player name below for a biography († indicates a deceased player).

If you spot an error, or would like to add additional information, contact us.

-A- Seasons Hometown High School
Abadee,Pardee 1963 Washington, DC John Carroll
Ablondi, Italo † 1948,49,50 New York, NY Stuyvesant
Adams, Tyler 2012,15 Brandon, MS Brandon
Adrion, Charlie 1968,69,70 Hillsdale, NJ Don Bosco
Agau, Akoy 2017 Juba, South Sudan Central (NE)
Aires, Frank † 1946 New York, NY Chaminade
Alagia, Frank † 1948,49,50 New York, NY Andrew Jackson
Akinjo, James 2019,20 Oakland, CA Salesian
Akok, Akok 2023 Manchester, NH West
Alexander, Galen 2020 Breaux Bridge, LA Lafayette Christian
Allen, Anthony † 1987,88,89,90 Port Arthur, TX Lincoln
Allen, David 2013,14,15 Dallas, TX Highland Park
Allen, Terrell 2020 Upper Marlboro, MD DeMatha
Anglin, Denver 2023 Montclair, NJ Gill-St. Bernard
Asadallah, Hashem 2024,25 Jabriya, KW American School of Kuwait
Ayegba, Moses 2011,13,14 Kano, Nigeria Progressive Christian (MD)
Aw, Boubacar 1995,96,97,98 Thies, Senegal East Columbus (NC)
Azinge, Chuma 2020,21,22 San Marino, CA Choate (CT)
-B- Seasons Hometown High School
Bacote, Cam 2024 Hampton, VA Bethel
Baker, Pete † 1946 Passaic, NJ Passaic
Banigan, Ed † 1917 Manchester, NH Manchester
Bariscillo, John † 1911,12 Neptune, NJ Ocean Grove
Barry, Jim † 1963,65,66 Elizabeth, NJ St. Peter's Prep
Bartolozzi, Art † 1946 Trenton, NJ Catholic
Bass, D'Ante 2023 Savannah, GA Windsor Forest
Bassin, Harry † 1936,37,38 Washington, DC Eastern
Beal, Ryan 2003,04,05,06 Coral Gables, FL Ransom Everglades
Beard, Tyler 2022 Chicago, IL Hargrave (VA)
Beins, Hugh † 1951,52,53 New York, NY Manhattan Prep
Bell, Milton 1989,90 Richmond, VA John Marshall
Benigni, George † 1947 Chicago, IL Mt. Carmel
Benimon, Jerrelle 2010,11 Warrenton, VA Fauquier
Berardini, Mike † 1916 New York, NY Georgetown Prep (DC)
Berger, T.J. 2021 West Chester, PA Westtown
Berry, Dean 1996,97,98,99 New York, NY Episcopal (VA)
Berry, Norbert † 1927 Milwaukee, WI Marquette Prep
Bertrand, Hank † 1937,38 Tupper Lake, NY Riordan
Bethel, Tony 2002,03 Ft. Washington, MD Montrose Christian (MD)
Beyer, Tony † 1946 Chevy Chase, MD Georgetown Prep (DC)
Bile, Chudier 2021 Denver, CO South
Billingsley, Jalin 2022 Cleveland, OH Lutheran East
Blair, Jahvon 2018,19,20,21 Brampton, ON Athlete Institute Prep
Blaylock, Ron 1979,80,81,82 Winston-Salem, NC East Forsyth
Blue, David 1980,81,82,83 Frederick, MD St. John's Prospect Hall
Bodine, Ed † 1935,36 New York, NY Xavier
Bolden, Brandon 2013 Sumter, SC QEA (NC)
Bolden, Demian 1997,98,99 Portland, OR Lincoln
Bolger, Bill † 1951,52,53 New York, NY Xavier
Bolger, Joe † 1954,55,56 New York, NY Xavier
Bonniwell, Bernard † 1932 Philadelphia, PA Northeast Catholic
Bontempo, Allan † 1953 Newark, NJ Seton Hall Prep
Bornheimer, Bill † 1941,42 New Brunswick, NJ St. Peter's Prep
Bosanac, Vladimir 1991,92,93 Belgrade, Serbia 2nd Economic
Boumtje-Boumtje, Ruben 1998,99,00,01 Yaounde, Cameroon John Carroll (DC)
Bowen, Aaron 2011,12,13,14,15 Jacksonville, FL QEA (NC)
Bowman, Brandon 2003,04,05,06 Los Angeles, CA Westchester
Bozek, Emil † 1931 Nashua, NH Nashua
Bozek, Johnny † 1931 Nashua, NH Nashua
Braswell, Kevin † 1999,00,01,02 Baltimore, MD Maine Central (ME)
Brembs, Eddie † 1947,48 New York, NY DeWitt Clinton
Bristol, Wayne 2022,23,24 Upper Marlboro, MD St. Thomas More (CT)
Broadnax, Horace 1983,84,85,86 Plant City, FL Plant City
Brogan, Al † 1922,23,24,25 Newark, NJ
Brogan, John † 1963 South Orange, NJ St. Benedict
Brooks, Greg 1973,74,75 Washington, DC St. Anthony
Brown, Fred 1981,82,83,84 New York, NY Stevenson
Brown, Jim 1958 Merion, PA St. Joseph's Prep
Brown, Jim 1964,65,66 Ridgewood, NJ Don Bosco
Brown, Joey 1991,92,93,94 Morgan City, LA Morgan City
Brown, John † 1948,49,50 New York, NY Tottenville
Brown, Ken † 1947,48,49 Muncie, IN Burris
Brumbaugh, Rowan 2024 Washington, DC Mount Herman (MA)
Brunner, Kenny 1998 Compton, CA Dominguez
Bryant, Dwayne 1987,88,89,90 New Orleans, LA DeLaSalle
Buehler, Warren † 1954,55,57 Bayonne, NJ Sweeney
Bullis, Jeff 1979,80,81 Forest Hills, MD Bel-Air
Burke, John † 1938 Newport, RI Rogers
Burks, Jordan 2025 Decatur, AL Hillcrest Prep (AZ)
Burns, Jason 2000 Las Vegas, NV Durango
Burton, Nat 1998,99,00,01 Washington, DC Winchendon (MA)
Butler, George 1994,95 Gary, IN Maine Central (ME)
Byrne, Paul † 1921,22,23 Boston, MA Gonzaga (DC)
Byrnes, Jack † 1927,28,29 Elizabeth, NJ Xavier (NY)
-C- Seasons Hometown High School
Callan, Chris † 1928,29,30 Washington, DC St. John's
Cameron, Reggie 2014,15,16,17 Hackensack, NJ Hudson Catholic
Campbell, Bill † 1915 Washington, DC
Campbell, Tre 2015,16,17 Washington, DC St. John's
Cannon, Rick 1967,68 Elmwood, IN Willkie
Caprio, John 2011,12,13,14 North Caldwell, NJ Seton Hall Prep
Carey, Donald 2021,22 Upper Marlboro, MD Frederick Douglass
Carney, George † 1919,21,22,23,24 New York, NY Xavier
Carolan, Tom † 1932,33,34 New York, NY Hun School (NJ)
Carrino, Jim † 1960,61,62 New York, NY Molloy
Carroll, Joe † 1953,54 Baltimore, MD Calvert Hall
Carroll, Tom 1964 New York, NY Tolentine
Casillas, Jose 1954 San Juan, PR
Carter, Grayson 2019 Dallas, TX Guyer
Cashin, Ed † 1916,17 Peoria, IL
Causey, Matt 2004 Gainesville, GA Berkmar
Cavanagh, Joe † 1916 Cecil, OH
Cesar, Dennis 1966,67,68 Clifton, NJ Clifton
Christy, Jim 1962,63,64 New York, NY St. Pascal
Church, Irvin 1992,93,94,95 Parkdale, MD Parkdale
Churchwell, Robert 1991,92,93,94 South Bend, IN Gonzaga (DC)
Clark, Jason 2009,10,11,12 Woodbridge, VA O'Connell
Clark, John 1956,57,58 Binghamton, NY St. Patrick
Clark, Kobe 2021,22 St. Louis, MO Vashon
Cleary, Frank † 1942 Somerville, NJ Somerville
Cogan, Billy † 1911,12 Washington, DC Georgetown Prep
Coleman, Tom 1959,60,61 Silver Spring, MD Gonzaga (DC)
Colliflower, George † 1908,09,10,12 Washington, DC Georgetown Prep
Colliflower, James † 1908,09,10 Washington, DC Georgetown Prep
Conlin, Clint 1952 Washington, DC Gonzaga
Connors, Bill † 1932,33,34 Troy, NY LaSalle
Connors, Joe † 1947 New York, NY Regis
Connors, John † 1971 New York, NY Cardinal Spellman
Conway, Neal † 1950,51 Sugar Notch, PA St. Leo
Cook, Ashanti 2003,04,05,06 Inglewood, CA Westchester
Cook, Supreme 2024 E. Orange, NJ Peddie
Copeland, Isaac 2015,16,17 Raleigh, NC Brewster (NH)
Corcoran, Jim 1982 Potomac, MD Georgetown Prep
Corless, Joe † 1932,33,34 West New York, NJ Memorial
Corley, Ray † 1947,48,49 New York, NY St. Peter's
Cowley, Bill † 1954 New York, NY St. John's
Cradock, Tom 1963 St. Louis, MO St. Louis Univ.
Crawford, Tyler 2005,06,07,08 Staunton, VA Lee
Crogan, John † 1908 Washington, DC
Crowley, Johnny † 1932,33,34 Elmira, NY
Culhane, Joe † 1948,49 Rochester, NY Aquinas
Curry, Gerald † 1915 Chicago, IL
-D- Seasons Hometown High School
Dairsow, Clifton 1984 Arundel, MD Arundel
Dalton, Ralph 1983,84,85,86 Suitland, MD Fishburne (VA)
Daly, Francis † 1938,39,40 Washington, DC Tech
Daly, Joe † 1946 New York, NY Fordham Prep
Denniston, George † 1917 Newport, RI
Derrickson, Marcus 2016,17,18 Bowie, MD Brewster (NH)
Derivaux, Hubert † 1918 Newark, NJ St. Benedict's
Devlin, Chuck † 1962,63,64 Philadelphia, PA Germantown
Dia, Cheikh 1994,95,96,97 Dakar, Senegal St. John's (MD)
Dickerson, Trey 2018 New York, NY God's Academy (TX)
Dieckelman, John † 1940,42 Albany, NY Vincentian
DiLeo, Joe † 1927 Belleville, NJ St. Benedict's
Dillon, Paul † 1929,30,31 Pelham, NY Iona
Dinn, Jack † 1915 North Adams, MA Williston
Diouf, Seal 2025 Gouda, NZ Dunn School
Dizdarevic, Sead 2004,05,06,07 Bijelo Polje, Montenegro Highlands (CA)
Domingo, Stephen 2013,14 San Francisco, CA St. Ignatius
Doherty, Hugh † 1914 Jersey City, NJ St. Peter's Prep
Donnelly, Matt † 1915,16 Gloversville, NY Gloversville
Donovan, George † 1926,27 Springfield, MA Dean
Dooley, Tom 1972,73,74 Rumson, NJ Fair Haven
Dougherty, Ryan 2010,11 Kensington, MD St. Alban's (DC)
Downey, Richard † 1907,08,09,10 Washington, DC
Doyle, Tommy † 1952,53,54 New York, NY St. Francis
Drury, John † 1907 Washington, DC
Drysgula, Edward † 1946 Hartford, CT St. Thomas
Dudack, Bill † 1918,19,20,21 New Britain, CT New Britain
Duffey, Bob † 1943 East Orange, NJ East Orange
Dunn, David 1983 Mableton, GA Mableton
Dunn, Johnny † 1929,30 Milwaukee, WI Marquette Prep
Dunn, Tucker † 1955 Washington, DC Gonzaga
Duren, John 1977,78,79,80 Washington, DC Dunbar
Duren, Lonnie 1977,78,79,80 Washington, DC Dunbar
Durkin, Paul † 1946 Washington, DC St. John's
Durmowicz, Tony † 1950,51,52 Baltimore, MD Loyola
Dutch, Al 1976,78,79,80 Washington, DC John Carroll
Dutton, Don † 1928,29,30 Syracuse, NY Christian Brothers
-E- Seasons Hometown High School
Eckenrode, John † 1935,36 Lancaster, PA
Edwards, David † 1990 New York, NY Andrew Jackson
Edwards, Johnathan 1986,87,88,89 New Orleans, LA Walker
Edwards, Mark 1971,72,73 Hyattsville, MD DeMatha
Egan, Johnny † 1924 Gloucester, MA
Egerson, Marc 2006,07 Wilmington, DE Lutheran Christian (PA)
Engles, Ken † 1941,42,46 New York, NY Port Richmond
Epps, Jayden 2024,25 Norfolk, VA Combine (NC)
Esenstad, Leon † 1934,35,36 Washington, DC Business
Esherick, Craig 1975,76,77,78 Silver Spring, MD Springbrook
Ewing, Patrick 1982,83,84,85 Cambridge, MA Rindge & Latin
Ewing, Patrick Jr 2007,08 Atlanta, GA National Christian (MD)
Ezewiro, Brad 2023 Torrance, CA Bishop Montgomery
-F- Seasons Hometown High School
Falvey, Dick † 1947,48,49,50 New York, NY LaSalle
Farley, Frank † 1924,25 Atlantic City, NJ Wenonah
Farrell, Dick † 1955 West Orange, NJ Seton Hall Prep
Faulkner, Omari 2001,02,03,04 Memphis, TN Hamilton
Favorite, Paul 1968,69,70 Moorestown, NJ St. Joseph's (PA)
Feeney, Bill † 1943 Pittsburgh, PA Central Catholic
Fees, Fred † 1917,18,19,20 Carrolltown, PA Carrolltown
Fenlon, Terry 1979,80 Washington, DC McNamara (MD)
Fielder, Drew 2024,25 Boise, ID Southern California (CA)
Finley, William † 1924,25 Asbury Park, NJ Asbury Park
Finnegan, Pat † 1918 Haverhill, MA Haverhill
Finnerty, Frank † 1942,43 Montclair, NJ Blair Academy
Fitzgerald, Ed 1973 Manchester, CT East Catholic
Fitzgerald, Emmet 1974,75 Radnor, PA Malvern Prep
Fitzpatrick, Tom † 1959,60,61 Washington, DC St. John's
Flanagan, Fred † 1915 Long Branch, NJ
Flavin, Don † 1926,27 Portland, ME Portland
Flavin, Jack † 1919,20,21,22,23 Portland, ME Portland
Fletcher, Vince 1972,73 New York, NY DeWitt Clinton
Fleury, Pascal 1991,92 St. John Richelieu, PQ Dawson
Florence, Paul † 1921,22,23 Chicago, IL Loyola
Floyd, Eric 1979,80,81,82 Gastonia, NC Hunter Huss
Floyd, Kevin 1985 Los Angeles, CA Westchester
Foley, Sam † 1912,13,14 New York, NY Manual
Force, Jay † 1960,61,62 West Orange, NJ West Orange
Fort, Jayden 2025 Washington, DC Jackson-Reed
Fox, Bill 1963 Auburn, NY Auburn
Frampton, Ed † 1958 Tuckahoe, NY Horace Greeley
Frank, Johnny † 1936,37,38 New Britain CT New Britain
Franz, Joe † 1963,64 Baltimore, MD Loyola
Frazier, Mike 1977,78,80,81 Cleveland, OH University
Freeman, Austin 2008,09,10,11 Mitchellville, MD DeMatha
Freeman, Courtland 2000,01,02,03,04 Myrtle Beach, SC Socastee
Frederici, Mike † 1924 Newark, NJ St. Benedict's
Frisby, Jim † 1954 Washington, DC Gonzaga
Furth, Don 1954 New York, NY Brooklyn Prep
Fury, James † 1912 Washington, DC Georgetown Prep
Fusz, Lou 1967 St. Louis, MO St. Louis Univ.
-G- Seasons Hometown High School
Gabbianelli, Danny † 1942,43 Weehawken, NJ Weehawken
Galla, Tom † 1946 Bridgeport, CT St. Mary's
Gallagher, Mark 1972 Lynbrook, NY Molloy
Gallaher, Ed 1956 Hagerstown, MD St. Mary's
Gardner, Myron 2020 Detroit, MI Spire Academy (OH)
Gaughan, Brendan 1995,96,97 Las Vegas, NV Bishop Gorman
Geoghegan, Mike 1971,72 Cincinnati, OH St. Xavier
George, Pete 1970 Arlington, VA Gonzaga (DC)
Gibbons, John 1964,65,66 New York, NY St. Francis
Gibeau, Don † 1935,36,37 Syracuse, NY Christian Brothers
Gibson, Frank † 1912 Holyoke, MA
Gibson, Rhese 1997,98,99,00 New York, NY All Hollows
Giebel, Jim † 1940,41 Bethesda, MD St. John's (DC)
Gigante, Lou † 1952,53,54 New York, NY Hayes
Gill, Andy 1970 Allenhurst, NJ Christian Brothers
Gillen, Owen † 1964,65 Totowa, NY Passaic Valley
Gillery, Ben 1987,88 Detroit, MI Central
Gitlitz, Pete † 1925,26 New Haven, CT
Glenn, Tom † 1927 Seattle, WA
Goedde, Sylvester † 1943 Vaughnsville, OH Vaughnsville
Goggin, George † 1909,10 Gardner, MA
Gordon, Bill † 1932 Scranton, PA
Govan, Jessie 2016,17,18,19 New York, NY Wings Academy
Graham, John † 1947 Rosedale, NY Chaminade
Graham, Lemoyne † 1911,12,13 Butler, PA
Graham, Michael 1984 Washington, DC Spingarn
Grant, Donovan 2024 Atlanta, GA Skill Factory
Green, Jeff 2005,06,07 Hyattsville, MD Northwestern
Gregorio, Mario † 1936,37,38 Washington, DC Central
Griffin, Joe † 1927,28 Chicago, IL Loyola
Grochowski, Dan † 1954 Glen Lyon, PA Newport
Guibunda,Cornelio 2005 Maputo, Mozambique King & Low (CT)
Gunn, Frank † 1925 Philadelphia, PA Villanova Prep
-H- Seasons Hometown High School
Hagan, Chuck † 1946 Manhasset, NY Brooklyn Prep
Halaifonua, Julius 2025 Auckland, NZ NBA Academy (AUS)
Hall, Drew 2002,03 Silver Spring, MD National Christian
Hamm, Tom † 1964 St. Cloud, MN Cathedral
Hancock, Mike 1979,80,81,82 Washington, DC Theodore Roosevelt
Hannan, Bob 1969,70,71 Paterson, NJ St. Mary's
Hanrahan, Jim † 1947 Waterbury, CT Crosby
Hargaden, Ed † 1933,34,35 Syracuse, NY Christian Brothers
Hargaden, Ed Jr † 1958,59,60 Baltimore, MD Loyola
Harrell, Lonnie 1992,93 Washington, DC Eastern
Harrington, Othella 1993,94,95,96 Jackson, MS Murrah
Harris, Dante 2021,22 Washington, DC Lakeway Christian (TN)
Harris, Jalen 2021 Wilson, NC Word of God
Harrison, Charles † 1991,92 Washington, DC Carroll
Hart, Thomas † 1920 San Antonio, TX
Hassett, Billy † 1943 New York, NY LaSalle
Hayes, Bradley 2013,14,15,16,17 Jacksonville, FL Sandalwood
Heath, Jay 2023,24 Arlington, VA Wilson (DC)
Heide, Herman † 1932,33 New York, NY
Heiskell, Ed † 1911,12 Washington, DC
Hekker, Jack † 1951,52,53 North Arlington, NJ Queen of Peace
Hennessy, Kevin 1958 Chicago, IL
Henning, Dick † 1946 New York, NY
Heskin, Neil 1965,66 Elizabeth, NJ St. Peter's Prep
Hester, Gharun 1999,00,01 Ft. Washington, MD Friendly
Hertel, Max † 1916 New York, NY
Heyman, Tom † 1954 Baltimore, MD Patterson
Hibbert, Roy 2005,06,07,08 Adelphi, MD Georgetown Prep
Hickey, Walter † 1926,27 Rochester, NY St. Thomas Aquinas
Higgins, Jim † 1968,69,70 Dumont, NJ Don Bosco
Highsmith, Ronnie 1985,86,87,88 Robersonville, NC Roanoke
Hillier, Trenton 2000,01,02,03 Chagrin Falls, OH Kenston
Hines, Ra'mond 2016,17,18 Washington, DC Gonzaga
Hodgman, Bill † 1963 Grosse Pointe, MI Austin
Holder, Bob 1967 Ridgewood, NJ Don Bosco
Hollander, Bill † 1911,12 York, PA York
Hollendoner, Frank † 1965,66,67 Chicago, IL St. Patrick
Holloway, Alonzo 1974 Washington, DC St. Anthony
Holloway, Collin 2021,22 Baton Rouge, LA Port Allen
Hopkins, Ed 1975,76,77,78 Baltimore, MD Edmondson
Hopkins, Mikael 2012,13,14,15 Hyattsville, MD DeMatha
Hunter, Demetrius 2000,01 Las Vegas, NV Durango
Hyde, Henry † 1943 Chicago, IL St. George
-I- Seasons Hometown High School
Ighoefe, Timothy 2020,21,22 Lagos, Nigeria NBA Academy
Irwin, John 1978,79,80 Larchmont, NY Mamoraneck
Iverson, Allen 1995,96 Hampton, VA Bethel
Izzo, Ken 2004,05,06,07 Chicago, IL Fenwick
-J- Seasons Hometown High School
Jackson, Daymond 1996,97,98,99 Alexandria, VA T.C. Williams
Jackson, Derrick 1975,76,77,78 Wheaton, IL Wheaton-Central
Jackson, Jaren 1986,87,88,89 New Orleans, LA Cohen
Jackson, Michael 1983,84,85,86 Reston, VA South Lakes
Jacques, John 1992,93,94,95 Delco, NC Acme-Delco
Jansen, Bryon 2008,09 Kent, WA Seattle Christian
Jefferson, Sam 1987,88,89,90 Washington, DC Flint Hill (VA)
Johannes, Al † 1926 Port Washington, WI Port Washington
Johnson, Kaleb 2016,17,18,19 South Hill, VA Carlisle
Johnston, Bill 1961 Everett, WA
Johnson, Glennard 2001,02 Washington, DC St. Alban's
Jones, Anthony 1982,83 Washington, DC Dunbar
Jones, Jim 1964 Groveton, VA Groveton
Jones, Johnny 1988,89,90 Coral Springs, FL Coral Springs
Jones, Shamel 1997 New York, NY Robeson
Jordan, Arnette 1994 Detroit, MI Cass Tech
-K- Seasons Hometown High School
Kazor, Jonathan 2024 Potomac, MD Georgetown Prep
Kaull, Kurt 1980,81,82,83 Wheaton, IL Wheaton-Warrenville
Keating, Tom † 1936 New York, NY
Kelliher, George † 1909 Providence, RI
Keleher, Roger † 1917 Pittsfield, MA
Kelly, Brian 1991,92 Cincinnati, OH Purcell
Kelly, Dan 1994 Cincinnati, OH Purcell
Kelly, Francis † 1919 Washington, DC
Kelly, Harry † 1913,14,15,16 Buffalo, NY Lafayette
Kelly, John † 1949 New York, NY LaSalle
Kentz, Rick 1973,74 Summit, NJ Delbarton Prep
Keresey, Don † 1918 New York, NY
Kiernan, Jim † 1940,41 New York, NY St. Simon
Kilkenny-Diaw, Amadou 2004,05,06 Washington, DC St. Alban's
Kilpatrick, Trez 1998,99 Hallandale, FL Hallandale
King, Gus † 1911 Passaic, NJ
King, Dick † 1930,31,32 North Bergen, NJ St. Peter's Prep
Kingsley, Richard † 1909 Washington, DC
Kirby, Jay † 1950 Ridgewood, NJ
Klauberg, Leo † 1915,16 New York, NY
Knight, Ray 1981 Washington, DC St. Anthony
Knox, James † 1921 Easthampton, MA
Knuppel, Bob 1967 Wayne, NJ DePaul
Kostecka, Andy † 1943,47,48 Bloomfield, NJ St. Benedict
Kraljic, John 1960,61,62 New York, NY DuBois
Kraus, Danny † 1943,47,48 New York, NY DeWitt Clinton
Kurtyka, Ed † 1937,38,39 Paterson, NJ Eastside
-L- Seasons Hometown High School
Lamberton, Robert † 1911 Oil City, PA
Lambour, Tim 1972,73,74 Altoona, PA Guilfoyle
Lane, Herbert † 1913 Brockport, NY
Lang, Tom 1987,88 Gaithersburg, MD Wootton
Larkins, Jim † 1951,53 Silver Spring, MD Gonzaga (DC)
Laska, Mike 1968,69,70 Worcester, MA Assumption Prep
Laughna, Mike † 1970,71,72 North Caldwell, NJ St. Benedict's
Lavelle, Thomas † 1907 Butte, MT
Lavin, Ed † 1943 New York, NY
Leavey, Jim † 1930 New York, NY
Leber, Harry † 1938 Union, NJ
LeBlanc, Josh 2019,20 Baton Rouge, LA Madison Prep
Leddy, Vin † 1948,49 New York, NY Xavier
Lockhart, Tyrone 1985 Lexington, MA Lexington
Lonchak, Joe † 1920 Norwalk, CT
Long, Aaron 1973 Washington, DC St. Anthony
Long, Larry 1974,75,76,77 Washington, DC Mackin
Long, Shernard 1997,98 Tucker, GA Tucker
Lopata, Ed † 1961,62,63 Vandergrift, PA Vandergrift
Loving, John † 1935 Washington, DC Tech
Lubick, Nate 2011,12,13,14 Southborough, MA St. Mark's
Lujack, Al † 1940,42 Connellsville, PA Connellsville
Lyddy, Jim 1965,66,67 Bridgeport, CT Fairfield Prep
Lynn, Bill 1973,74,75,76 Washington, DC St. Anthony
Lyons, Ron 1972,73 Philadelphia, PA Edison
-M- Seasons Hometown High School
MacDermott, Mike 1974,75,76,77 Saratoga Springs, NY St. Peter's
Macklin, Vernon 2007,08 Portsmouth, VA Hargrave
MacZees, Bill † 1930,31 Shenandoah, PA Shenandoah
Mack, Malik 2025 Oxon Hill, MD St. John's (DC)
Magner, James † 1934 Jacksonville, IL Routt
Mahnken, John † 1943 West New York, NJ Memorial
Major, Frank † 1953,54 Arlington, VA St. John's (DC)
Makatura, Bob † 1951,52,53 New York, NY St. Francis
Malinowski, Greg 2019 Chantilly, VA Episcopal
Martin, Bill † 1910,12,13,14 Washington, DC Georgetown Prep
Martin, Bill 1982,83,84,85 Washington, DC McKinley Tech
Martin, Don † 1940,41,42 Newport, RI LaSalle
Martin, John † 1913 Pelham, NY
Martin, Steve 1976,77,78,79 New Orleans, LA St. Augustine
Marum, Ed † 1913 Chicago, IL
Massoud, Ismael 2024 New York, NY MacDuffie (MA)
Matan, Tom † 1959,60,61 Chevy Chase, MD Gonzaga (DC)
Mateen, Grady 1985,86 Akron, OH Hoover
Matuza, Al † 1939,40,41 Shenandoah, PA Staunton (VA)
Mazelin, Joe 1962,63,64 Indianapolis, IN Sacred Heart
Mazza, Ray 1955,56 Cincinnati, OH St. Xavier
Mazziotta, John † 1949,50 New York, NY All Hollows
McBride, Nevins † 1927,28 Paterson, NJ St. Peter's Prep
McBride, Tom 1971,72 South Lakes, NJ Staunton (VA)
McCann, Don † 1927 South Portland, ME Portland
McCarthy, Edward † 1912 Richmond, VA
McCarthy, Maurice † 1928,29,30 New York, NY
McCloskey, Tom 1958,59 Washington, DC Gonzaga
McClung, Matthew 2019,20 Gate City, VA Gate City
McDonald, Perry 1985,86,87,88 New Orleans, LA Carver
McFadden, Joe † 1939 Allentown, PA Allentown
McGarrity, Bill 1969 Rosemont, PA St. Joseph's Prep
McGowan, Jack † 1922 Bridgeport, CT
McGrath, Jack † 1922 Winthrop, MA
McGuill, Owen 1963 Hampden, MA Catholic
McGuinness, John 1946 Newark, NJ
McGuire, John † 1916 New York, NY
McHale, John † 1931 Centralia, PA
McKenna, Drew 2024,25 Laurel, MD
McLaughlin, Leo † 1932 New York, NY Loyola
McMahon, John † 1919 Westfield, MA
McNally, Jim † 1919 Pittsburgh, PA
McNamara, Ed 1969,70,71 Dumont, NJ Bergen Catholic
McNamara, Frank † 1946 Washington, DC Gonzaga
McNaney, Joe † 1924,25 Ware, MA
McNulty, Jack † 1918 Chicago, IL
McNulty, Jim † 1916,17,18 Chicago, IL
Meenan, Harold † 1928,29,30 New York, NY Loyola
Mercier, Tim 1969,70,71 Jersey City, NJ St. Peter's Prep
Mescheriakov, Nikita 2009,10 Minsk, Belarus St. John's (MD)
Mesmer, Fred † 1928,29,30 Syracuse, NY Christian Brothers
Michell, Pete 1965,66,67 New Orleans, LA Jesuit
Micoud, Eric 1993,94 Cotonou, Benin St. John's (DC)
Millen, Kevin 1992,93,94,95 Memphis, TN Raleigh-Egypt
Miller, Russ † 1940,41 Passaic, NJ Passaic
Missett, Joe 1955,56,57 Villanova, PA Malvern Prep
Mitchell, Mark 1970,71,72 Chicago, IL Loyola
Mohammed, Aminu 2022 Springfield, MO Springfield Lab
Moloney, John † 1946 Lowell, MA
Monahan, C.P. † 1918 Chicago, IL
Monarch, Louis † 1910,11 Boston, MA English
Monroe, Greg 2009,10 Gretna, LA Cox
Montgomery, Austin 2024,25 New Orleans, LA Newman
Morano, Hank 1955 Union City, NJ Emerson
Moriarty, Jerry 1963 Franklinville, NY Ten Broeck
Morchower, Don † 1954,55,56 Bayonne, NJ Sweeney
Morgan, Lamont 1991,92,93,94 Washington, DC Gonzaga
Morris, Victor 1983,84,86 Houston, TX Kashmere
Morris, Walter † 1929,30,31 Washington, DC St. John's
Mosely, Jagan 2017,18,19,20 Marlboro, NJ St. Anthony's
Moses, Bob 1958 Syracuse, NY Christian Brothers
Moses, Mason 2025 New York, NY Brewster (NH)
Mountain, John † 1927 Middletown, CT Middletown
Mourning, Alonzo 1989,90,91,92 Chesapeake, VA Indian River
Mourning, Trey 2015,16,17,19 Miami, FL Ransom Everglades
Mozone, Bryson 2023 North Augusta, GA North Augusta
Mulmore, Jonathan 2017,18 New Orleans, LA Redemption Christian (TX)
Mulready Kayvaun 2025 Worcester, MA Worcester Academy
Munhall, Herb † 1907 Pittsburgh, PA
Muresan, George 2017,18,19,20 Potomac, MD St. Andrew's
Muresan, Victor 2021,22,23,24 Potomac, MD Georgetown Day (DC)
Murphy, Dennis † 1951,52,53 New York, NY Hayes
Murphy, Joe † 1937,38,39 West New York, NJ Memorial
Murphy, Jim † 1932 Centralia, PA
Murphy, Vernon † 1931,32,33 New York, NY Loyola
Murray, Brandon 2023 Baltimore, MD Polytechnic
Mutombo, Dikembe † 1989,90,91 Kinshasa, Congo Institut Boboto
Mutombo, Ryan 2022,23,24 Atlanta, GA Lovett
Myles, Eric 1995,96 Napoleonville, LA Assumption
-N- Seasons Hometown High School
Nappy, Gerry † 1951,52,53 Teaneck, NJ Xavier (NY)
Nau, Lou † 1936,37 Washington, DC Central
Nee, Maurice † 1937 Washington, DC Georgetown Prep (MD)
Nichols, Jerry 1995,96,97 Jackson, MS Lanier
Nies, Jack 1957,58 Jersey City, NJ St. Peter's Prep
Nolan, Tommy † 1936,37,38 Washington, DC Eastern
Nork, Bob † 1925,26,27,28 Shenandoah, PA Shenandoah
Norris, John † 1950 Bangor, ME Bangor
-O- Seasons Hometown High School
Odlum, Frank † 1927 Unionville, CT Farmington
Ohlmuller, Ray 1959,60,61 West Englewood, NJ Regis (NY)
Oravec, Jim † 1957,58,59 Palmerton, PA Palmerton
Ornstein, Ervin † 1946 Washington, DC Central
O'Boyle, Harry † 1917,18 Pittston, PA
O'Boyle, Jim † 1916,17 Pittston, PA
O'Brien, John † 1919 Archbold, PA
O'Byrne, Charley † 1922 Savannah, GA
O'Connell, Joe † 1919,20,21,22 New York, NY Xavier
O'Connor, Jerry † 1933,34 Washington, DC Georgetown Prep
O'Dea, Tom † 1960,61,62 Westwood, NJ St. Cecelia
O'Donnell,Charles † 1962,63,64 Upper Darby, PA Msgr. Bonner
O'Donnell, Lane † 1943 Washington, DC Gonzaga
O'Grady, Frank † 1940,41,42 New York, NY St. Peter's
O'Hara, Phil † 1946 Niagara Falls, NY St. Mary's
O'Keefe, George † 1923,24 Plainfield, NJ
O'Keefe, Tom † 1947,48,49,50 Jersey City, NJ St. Peter's Prep
O'Leary, Don † 1951 New York, NY LaSalle
O'Leary, Lou † 1926 Barre, VT
O'Lone, Bob † 1915,16,17,18 Washington, DC
O'Meara, John † 1958 Baltimore, MD Loyola
O'Neill, Joe † 1932 Wilmington, DE
Owens, Darrel 2003,04,05,06 Napoleonville, LA Assumption
Owinje, Godwin 1996,97 Benin, Nigeria Seattle Prep (WA)
-P- Seasons Hometown High School
Page, Victor 1996,97 Washington, DC Redemption Chr. (NY)
Pajak, George † 1939,40,41 Ware, MA Ware
Pallen, Conde † 1907 St. Louis, MO Georgetown Prep (DC)
Parcells, Charley † 1933,34,35 Hacksensack, NJ Hacksensack
Patterson, Derrick 1992,93 Chicago, IL Dunbar
Paulus, David 2000,01 Syracuse, NY Christian Brothers
Pavich, Chris † 1946 Peoria, IL Spalding
Peak, L.J 2015,16,17 Gaffney, SC Gaffney
Peavy, Micah 2025 Cibolo, TX Duncanville
Percudani, Dick † 1955,56,57 Elmhurst, NY Power Memorial
Perry, Anthony 1999,00,01 Jersey City, NJ St. Anthony
Petrosky, Mike † 1936,37,38 New London, CT Bulkeley
Philbin, Dave 1964,65,66 Clinton, MA Portsmouth (RI)
Philbin, John † 1959 Clinton, MA Portsmouth (RI)
Phillips, Leo † 1956,57 York, PA William Penn
Pichette, Ken † 1956,57,58 Binghamton, NY Central
Pickett, Jamorko 2018,19,20,21 Washington, DC Massanutten (VA)
Porter, Otto 2012,13 Sikeston, MO Scott County Central
Potolicchio, Lloyd † 1943 New York, NY Curtis
Prendergast, John 1963,64,65 Utica, NY Notre Dame
Pryor, Rodney 2017 Evanston, IL Notre Dame Prep
Pyles, Jerry 1968,69,70 Temple Hills, MD Oxon Hill
-R- Seasons Hometown High School
Rafferty, Dick 1959 Sayville, NY Seton Hall Prep
Razzetti, Dick † 1958,59 Westbury, NY Chaminade
Reed, James 1995,96 Trenton, NJ Princeton Day
Reed, Ray 2004,05 Inglewood, CA Inglewood
Reid, Don 1992,93,94,95 Largo, MD Largo
Reilly, Jim † 1943,47 New York, NY St. Peter's
Rice, Bill † 1907,08 Kingston, NY
Rice, Fred † 1908,09,10 Washington, DC
Rice, Kaiden 2022 Columbia, SC Ridge View
Riches, John † 1938,39 New York, NY Brooklyn Prep
Riley, Mike 1975,76,77,78 Washington, DC Cardozo
Riley, Gerald 2001,02,03,04 Milledgeville, GA Baldwin
Riley, Jordan 2022,23 Brentwood, NY Brentwood
Rinaldi, Pat † 1934 Cliffside, NJ
Ritch, Marvin † 1912 Charlotte, NC
Rivers, Jeremiah 2007,08 Winter Park, FL Winter Park
Rizzi, Irv † 1939,40,41 West New York, NJ Memorial
Robinson, Jaden 2019,20,21 Baltimore, MD Mt. St. Joseph's
Robinson, Paul 1972,74 New York, NY DeWitt Clinton
Rode, Ken 1955,56 New York, NY St. Francis
Rogers, Steve 1950 New York, NY
Rojas, Henry 1958 Stamford, CT Fairfield Prep
Ross, RaMell 2001,03,04,05 Burke, VA Lake Braddock
Ryan, Richie † 1923,25,26 Boston, MA Boston College
-S- Seasons Hometown High School
Sabol, Mike 1990,91 Washington, DC Gonzaga
Samnick, Victor 2000,01,02,03 Doala, Cameroon Newport Prep (MD)
Sanford, Vee 2010,11 Lexington, KY Catholic
Sapp, Jessie 2006,07,08,09 New York, NY National Christian (MD)
Saturn, Herb † 1946 Washington, DC
Scalzi, John † 1931 Stamford, CT Stamford
Scates, Tom † 1976,77,78,79 Alexandria, VA St. Anthony (DC)
Schlosser, Frank † 1909,10,11,12 Washington, DC Business
Schmeling, Randolph † 1957,58 Freeport, NY Chaminade
Schmidli, Charley † 1940,41,42 West New York, NJ Memorial
Schmitt, Al † 1922 Buffalo, NY Canisius Prep
Schmitt, John † 1938,39,40 Syracuse, NY St. John's
Schumm, Harold † 1907 Detroit, MI
Scruggs, Lee 2000,01 Franklin, NC Franklin
Scott, Bob † 1916 Georgetown, KY
Scott, Bob † 1951,54 Scranton, PA
Seymour, Samuel 1955,56,57 Washington, DC Gonzaga
Sharpenter, Bob 1960,61,62 Aurora, IL Marmion
Shea, John † 1926 New York, NY
Shea, Bill † 1929,30,31 New York, NY George Washington
Sheehan, Brian † 1959,60,61 Silver Spring, MD St. John's
Sheffey, Ed † 1997 Washington, DC Oak Hill (VA)
Shelton, Craig 1977,78,79,80 Washington, DC Dunbar
Shore, Carroll † 1937 Washington, DC Central
Shugrue, Johnny † 1913,14,15 Boston, MA Georgetown Prep (DC)
Sibley, Jamari 2021 Milwaukee, WI Oak Hill (VA)
Simms, Chip † 1991 New Orleans, LA McDonough
Sims, Henry 2009,10,11,12 Baltimore, MD Mt. St. Joseph's
Simon, Sam † 1907 Buffalo, NY
Sitterding, Billy † 1909 Richmond, VA Georgetown Prep (DC)
Slattery, Dan 1960,61,62 Washington, DC Gonzaga
Slezozsky, Ed † 1928 Shenandoah, PA Shenandoah
Smith-Rivera, D'Vauntes 2013,14,15,16 Indianapolis, IN North Central
Smith, Charles 1986,87,88,89 Washington, DC All Saints
Smith, Dale 1955,56,57 Allentown, PA Catholic
Smith, Elvado 1982,83 Harwood, MD South River
Smith, Eric 1979,80,81,82 Potomac, MD Churchill
Smith, Gene 1981,82,83,84 Washington, DC McKinley Tech
Smith, John † 1922 Escanaba, MI Escanaba
Smith, Jonathan 1973,74,75,76 Washington, DC St. Anthony
Smith, Josh 2014,15 Kent, WA Kentwood
Smith, Lee † 1952 Easton, PA Easton
Sodom, Chris 2018 Kaduna, Nigeria Tennessee Prep (TN)
Solano, Ed 1964,65 Bellerose, NY St. Mary's
Sorber, Thomas 2025 Trenton, NJ Archbishop Ryan (PA)
Spann, Octavius 2006,07 Atlanta, GA Banneker
Spears, Primo 2023 Hartford, CT Windsor
Spencer, Duane 1993,94 New Orleans, LA Cohen
Spriggs, Ed 1979,80,81,82 North Brentwood, MD Northwestern
Starks, Markel 2011,12,13,14 Accokeek, MD Georgetown Prep
Stepka, Stephen 2010 Fairfax, VA W.T. Woodson
Stewart, Bill 1968 Villanova, PA St. Joseph's Prep
Stewart, Otto † 1946 Hornell, NY Hornell
Stinebrickner, Bruce 1966,67,68 West Hempstead, NY St. Agnes
Stokes, Mike 1973,74 Washington, DC St. John's
Storz, Bill † 1951,52,53 New York, NY Regis
Stoudamire, Antoine 1990,91 Portland, OR Jesuit
Stuhr, Bob 1952,53 Garden City, NY Garden City
Styles, Dontrez 2024 Kinston, NC Kinston
Supkis, Danny † 1949,50,51 New York, NY St. Alban's
Sullivan, Barry † 1951,52 New York, NY Regis
Sullivan, Harry † 1920 New York, NY
Sullivan, Jimmy † 1916 Fall River, MA Durfee
Sullivan, Steve † 1965,66,67 East Orange, NJ Essex Catholic
Summers, Dajuan 2007,08,09 Baltimore, MD McDonogh
Supple, Jim 1967,68,69 Summit, NJ St. Peter's Prep
Sweeney, Jim † 1922,23,24,25 Bayonne, NJ St. Peter's Prep
Sweetney, Mike 2001,02,03 Oxon Hill, MD Oxon Hill
Sweitzer, Les † 1957 Palmerton, PA Palmerton
Swift, James † 1921 Iowa City, IA
-T- Seasons Hometown High School
Tagliabue, Paul 1960,61,62 Union City, NJ St. Michael
Tate, Michael 1990 Oxon Hill, MD Oxon Hill
Taylor, Willie † 1999 La Vergne, TN La Vergne
Thomas, Bill 1975,76 Dallas, TX Lake Highlands
Thomas, Harvey 2002 Fredericksburg, VA Hamilton (TN)
Thompson, Hollis 2010,11,12 Pasadena, CA Loyola
Thompson, Ronny 1989,90,91,92 Washington, DC Flint Hill (VA)
Thornton, Josh 2006 Rochester, NY Caesar Rodney
Tillmon, Mark 1987,88,89,90 Washington, DC Gonzaga
Titus, Joe † 1956,57,58 Bradford, PA Bradford
Tomaini, John † 1927 Long Branch, NJ Long Branch
Tormey, Jim † 1914,15 Syracuse, NY Christian Brothers
Touomou, Joseph 1996,97,98,99 Yaounde, Cameroon Williamson (NC)
Trawick, Jabril 2012,13,14,15 Jenkintown, PA Abington Friends
Tucker, Anthony 1988 Washington, DC McKinley Tech
Turner, John 1989 Glenarden, MD Eleanor Roosevelt
-V- Seasons Hometown High School
Vail, Jack † 1953,54 South Amboy, NJ St. Mary's
Valk, Bill † 1914 Washington, DC Central
Van Raaphorst, Michael 2025 Chatham, NJ Delbarton
Vann, Kayode 1989,90,91 New York, NY Berkley-Carroll
Vaughn, Julian 2009,10,11 Reston, VA South Lakes
Vitale, Mike 1950,51,52 East Orange, NJ Seton Hall Prep
Vlymen, Arthur † 1914 Hempstead, NY Hempstead
Vukmanic, George † 1925,26 McKeesport, PA McKeesport
-W- Seasons Hometown High School
Wahab, Qudus 2020,21,23 Lagos, Nigeria Flint Hill (VA)
Wagner, Richard † 1955,56 New York, NY St. John's
Waldron, Roy † 1911,12,13,14 Greensboro, PA Greensboro
Walker, Antwan 2018 Washington, DC H.D. Woodson
Wallace, Ed † 1946 Shenandoah, PA Shenandoah
Wallace, Jonathan 2005,06,07,08 Harvest, AL Sparkman
Walsh, Ed † 1914 Washington, DC
Walsh, Jack † 1954,55,56 New York, NY Brooklyn Prep
Ward, Bob † 1965,66 Jersey City, NJ St. Peter's Prep
Watkins, Jameel 1997,98,99,00 New York, NY Robeson
Wattad, Omar 2008,09 Shreveport, LA Science Hill (TN)
Weber, Don 1969,70,71 Ridgewood, NJ Don Bosco
Wetzel, Charles † 1913 Washington, DC
Whalen, Charles † 1914 Dayton, OH
White, Art 1970,71 White Plains, NY Stepinac
White, Bernard † 1967,68,69 Fairfax, VA Luther Jackson
White, Jahidi 1995,96,97,98 St. Louis, MO Ritter
White, Matt † 1955,56,57 New York, NY LaSalle
White, Paul 2015,16 Chicago, IL Whitney Young
White, Russell † 1930 South Orange, NJ Seton Hall Prep
Whittington, Greg 2012,13 Columbia, MD Oakland Mills
Williams, Caleb 2025 Washington, DC Sidwell Friends
Williams, Curtis 2025 Bloomfield, MI Brother Rice
Williams, Jerome 1995,96 Germantown, MD Magruder
Williams, Reggie 1984,85,86,87 Baltimore, MD Dunbar
Williams, Riyan 2014,15,16 Dunkirk, MD Carroll (DC)
Williamson, Art † 1974 Cleveland, OH University
Willis, Don 1972,73 Hyattsville, MD DeMatha
Wilson, Gary 1976 Washington, DC St. Anthony
Wilson, Malcolm 2020,21,22,23 Columbia, SC Ridge View
Wilson, Merlin 1973,74,75,76 Washington, DC St. Anthony
Wilson, Wesley 2001,02,03 Vallejo, CA Maine Central (ME)
Wingate, David 1983,84,85,86 Baltimore, MD Dunbar
Winston, Bobby 1986,87,88,89 Washington, DC All Saints
Wise, Spencer † 1919 Washington, DC
Wolfe, Tom † 1946 New York, NY Regis
Wolfer, Bill † 1951,52,53 Allentown, PA Catholic
Wolfington, Vince 1960,62 Haverford, PA Malvern Prep
Wood, John † 1957 Newark, NJ Good Counsel
Wright, Chris 2008,09,10,11 Washington, DC St. John's
-Y- Seasons Hometown High School
Yeoman, Felix 1975,76,77,78 Washington, DC St. Anthony
Young, Jake † 1933,34,35 Erie, PA Cathedral Prep
Yurtseven, Omer 2020 Istanbul, Turkey Subesi
-Z- Seasons Hometown High School
Zazzali, Andrew † 1919,20,21,22,23 Baltimore, MD Mt. St. Joseph's
Zeitler, Dick 1969,70,71 Seaford, NY Molloy
Zola, Ben † 1935,36,37 Washington, DC Eastern