Records By Season
1936-37 (9-8)
Coach: Fred Mesmer
Captain: Mike Petrosky

Date Score OT Opponent Location Arena Leading Scorer
12/14/1936 W 46-16 W. Maryland Washington, DC Tech Gym Murphy, 8
12/16/1936 W 25-22 at Princeton Princeton, NJ University Gym Bertrand, 6
12/30/1936 W 46-40 at NYU New York, NY Madison Sq. Garden Bertrand, 13
1/6/1937 L 17-25 at Carnegie Tech Pittsburgh, PA Skibo Gym 4 each with 3
1/7/1937 L 32-41 at West Virginia Morgantown, WV WVU Field House Murphy, 10
1/13/1937 L 27-29 at Temple Philadelphia, PA Mitten Hall Kurtyka, 10
1/20/1937 W 30-27 Pittsburgh Washington, DC Tech Gym Shore, 8
2/1/1937 W 49-44 Temple Washington, DC Tech Gym 3 each with 10
2/8/1937 W 51-23 West Virginia Washington, DC Tech Gym Under research
2/10/1937 W 40-37 at Army West Point, NY East Gym Frank, 9
2/11/1937 L 26-48 at Yale New Haven, CT Payne Whitney Gym Frank, 9
2/13/1937 W 45-36 at Syracuse Syracuse, NY Archbold Gym Bassin, 12
2/19/1937 L 25-32 Carnegie Tech Washington, DC Tech Gym Gibeau, 7
2/20/1937 W 37-29 at Maryland College Park, MD Ritchie Coliseum Petrosky, 12
3/2/1937 L 22-39 at Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA Pitt Pavilion Kurtyka, 6
3/3/1937 L 24-34 at Penn St. State College, PA Recreation Hall Petrosky, 11
3/13/1937 L 23-31 Penn St. Washington, DC Tech Gym 3 each with 4